All Things Irish
I love Irish stuff. I really like traditional Irish music and Irish dancers (Michael Flatley and the Riverdancers!) I know that's corny, but it's so cool, how could you not?
I like Green. I like clover.
I really like Guinness, but only from the bottle, or out of a tap. If you get it in a can, it tastes like poop.
I do like U2 as well, but I'm really getting tired of Bono. He's so over done. And why must he wear the sunglasses day and night?
I like Braveheart. The movie, not the person. Actually, Braveheart is Scottish. Now I sound like an idiot.
Well, now that that's off my shoulders...
For years when I was a kid and we sang "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Rein Deer" I would sing "...then all the rein deer loved him, as they shouted out with glee 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed rein deer yugolled down in history'".
I thought yugolled was a word. Turns out it was "You'll go" but in elementary school sometimes they don't explain that clearly enough for the slow kids.
So don't feel too stupid.
It would be even better if he would have "Yugo'd" down in history. Remember Cal Worthington? Go see Cal? He had the Yugos.
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