Thursday, October 27, 2005

Just Been A Watcher

Holy Shit! I've just created my first blog!!! Up until now I've just been an observer. A "watcher" if you will. I don't know how I'll keep up, but I'll try.

Please be patient while I get the hang of this. I am sure that no one will really even read this first post, but hopefully, in the future it will be a place for many people to come and hear my musings.

Today as I write this I am home with my chillins, I have a chest cold and stiff neck and just wanted to leave work early, so now I am hunched over this keyboard trying not to move too much.

This illness will certainly put a damper on my recent diet - more on that later, but I'm just going to admit to the chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich I just ate. It didn't make me feel better at all, but it was fun while it lasted. More later


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