Wednesday, February 22, 2006


So, I'm still not totally sure if I'm going to be one of those "theme" blogs. I don't really seem to have a theme. I just write about what I want to, and I can't think of any new and interesting topic to base a theme on that hasn't already been done by someone else.

So, for right now, I will be just writing about my girls, the running, my diseased knee and of course, Marvelous Movie Mondays, which is really just a recap of my pathetic social life, defined by what video I may have rented the previous weekend.

So, I'm going to try to go to the Bloomsday run this May in Spokane. It's awesome. 7.46 miles of pure fun. Not kidding. There are always 50 - 60,000 people running this race and there's lots of entertainment along the way.

So, another run that I'm kind of interested in is the St. Patrick's Day Dash in Seattle, from the Seattle Center to Safeco. It's only 3. 5 miles, and it is on March 12th. Kind of good because that's about as far as I will be able to run. I'm trying to recruit a sister or two to go with. I'm very excited for the "wearin' o'the green." I'm actually tempted to go in some whacky outfit. Yes, I will endeavor to make a total fool of myself in front of total strangers, while running! F-U-N! FUN!

So, this morning on TV it was the Brady Bunch where everyone thinks Alice is going to elope with Sam the Butcher and they throw them a surprise party, but they were only going to a bowling tournament. I tell you, I love the Brady Bunch. As cheesy a show that it is, I still watch.

And, so, speaking of TV shows, Lost is on tonight. I'm going to have to hurt someone if it is a rerun. I only look forward to a few things in life, my husband's paycheck, my childrens' accomplishments, however small, and last but certainly not least, FRESH episodes of Lost.


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